Allege: To assert a fact in a pleading. Alternate juror: a juror selected as substitute in case another juror must leave the jury panel.The pleadings govern the trial and the interlocutory proceedings. Below are definitions of some common legal words or terms that may assist you in your viewing of this site and other law related sites you may visit. The Court may strike a pleading on the ground that it is scandalous, frivolous, or vexatious (r. 221(1)(c) of the Rules). These Rules provide that powers of the Court are to be exercised on motion, they may be exercised only on the bringing of a motion. A pleading in a court proceeding is a formal, written statement that is filed on behalf of a party to a lawsuit. Odyssey eFileGA allows users to open cases and file documents from a single website to many courts in Georgia from anywhere — 24 hours a day, seven days a week. The pleading tells the court one side of the story.