You may file Form IT204 or Form IT205 any time before the extension period ends. This form is to be used for a petition for temporary letters of administration pursuant to O.C.G.A. § 53-6-30 et seq. 2.How to fill out the Application for Fulton County Training Provider Agreement? 1. Review the enclosed packet thoroughly. 2. The Subcommittee on Landmarks, Public Sitings, and. The Magistrate Court has jurisdiction to hear landlord-tenant disputes which includes dispossessory proceedings. Fill out the fields to download a free Notice to Contractor form for sub-subcontractors to use on public construction projects in Georgia. On the other hand, departmental instruction required that the contractor should indicate hindrances in the application form while seeking time extension. 8115 Maple Lawn Blvd, Suite 300, Fulton, MD 207592681. Basis in the form used at the RFP presentation.