You can file your pro se petition and waiver in-person at the Harris County Civil Intake Office located on the first floor of the Civil Courthouse. Justice of the Peace 5-1 is accepting filings, pleadings, and payments in person at the court windows, through our web page and electronic filling.SERVICE TO BE ISSUED ON (Please List Exactly As The Name Appears In The Pleading To Be. Served):. When filing documents, please type the entire title of your pleading in the description field and clearly label all exhibits. Do not use all caps. This guide tells you how to respond or file an answer in a civil case in Texas. Harris County District Clerk - A range of forms are available, including for family, child support, civil, Texas Supreme Court, and others. Mastering the basics of the state's new e-filing system. Includes tips on how to avoid common errors, send a file and make a payment. A phone open to a Harris campaign email asking for money, with angry face emojis.