You can only plead no contest in person. No contest pleas cannot be accepted online, via mail or via phone.No documents are required to be provided to the Court as the Court will rely on the case file. A plea of "no contest" implies only that the defendant has declined to present a defense, and would normally result in a conviction in the case. A "no contest" or nolo contendere plea means that you are neither admitting nor denying guilt. A no contest plea is a third option between innocent and guilty. What is a no contest plea, and when is it useful? Pleading "no contest" allows you to resolve your case without admitting guilt, unlike pleading guilty. It's equivalent to the state as you aren't contesting the charges against you and the court mostly treats it the same as a guilty plea. FINALITY: Pleading guilty or no contest is the same as if I went to trial and the verdict was guilty.