Use this form to apply for an automatic six-month extension of time to file Arizona Forms 140, 140A, 140EZ, 140ET, 140PTC, 140PY, or 140NR. This gives you until October 15 to file without penalties.This extends your filing deadline to October 15th. You'll receive an electronic acknowledgment once you. Extensions To receive an automatic extension until October 15, file Form 204, Application for Filing Extension. Complete Form 204, include a Check or Money Order. Do I need to file a separate AZ Tax Extension form? If necessary, you may request an extension of time of up to six months beyond the filing deadline to file your return. Businesses operating in the State of Arizona can apply for an extension to file their business tax returns and get an automatic extension of up to 6 months. Bring in your paystub(s) to apply for an advance loan on your tax refund starting December 16 through January 12.