Be sure to include name, employee number or social security number and purpose of letter. Be sure to include name, employee number or social security number, and purpose of letter.Description: The non-teaching experience verification form provides a convenient means for new teachers to obtain verification of their teaching experience. How can I get Verification of Employment? Appropriate identification includes: a. United States Passport, a State Driver's License, or a Resident Alien Card; and the original Social Security card. Important Reminder: At the end of the PowerPoint presentation is a link to the Viewing Confirmation form and the Senior Contract, which is due December 6th. MAST Academy Outreach offers mobile laboratory school-site presentations, field trips and other resources. You must send the teaching experience verification form to your previous employer(s), who then must complete the form and return to Compensation Administration. The community of John A. Ferguson Senior High School is engaged in an educational journey with high standards for social, academic and physical instruction.