ATTENTION: The 11th Judicial Circuit Probate Division is currently implementing changes to its case management system. The defendant, who court records show is.Cases filed in the civil division of the Clerk's Office fall either under the jurisdiction of County Court or Circuit Court. Additional resources include a directory of local self-help centers. DONE AND ORDERED in Chambers at Miami-Dade County, Florida this XX day of. Going to Court Without a Lawyer in Family Law Cases – How to begin. Text. Adjudication means the court makes a finding of guilty and the person is sentenced with a conviction. In exchange for successfully completing the program requirements, the State will dismiss or nolle prosse the charge(s). Rule 1.08 - Form of a Pleading, Motion, or Other Paper. MiamiDade Clerk of Courts, Harvey Ruvin has announced the implementation of electronically filing summonses, via the Florida Courts EFiling Portal.