That all of the allegations contained in the documents on file are true;. 2. That all of the requirements of NRS 125.181 and NRS 125.182 have been met;.Fill out both sections, even if you think it does not apply or if you want to waive child support. If written authorities are filed, any other party may file and serve responding authorities within seven (7) days after being served with objections. Each line of every page must be numbered in the left margin. These are the Local Rules of Practice for the United States District Court for the District of Nevada. I am a lawyer in California, where courts require using "pleading paper," in which 28 line numbers run down the left margin. Do I need to fill the blank lines with "XXX's" ? Lines of pages must be numbered in the left margin or on legal pleading paper. Any pleadings or papers presented for filing that are larger.