Conviction Record: A nocontest plea results in a criminal conviction, which is recorded on the defendant's record, similar to a guilty plea. A plea of nolo contendere is not an admission of guilt.However, a defendant who pleads no contest gives up the right to trial. Pleading "no contest" to a criminal charge means you do not admit fault. Neither are you trying to fight for your innocence in a criminal trial. Pleading no contest implies that you accept the evidence against you without explicitly stating that you are guilty. Pleading "no contest" might mean a conviction. But there is no chance you will have to testify and there is nothing that can be used against you later. Pleading "No Contest" is merely acknoweldging that the State has enough evidence to convict you without you pleading guilty. However, in Nevada, the main difference between a no contest plea and a guilty plea is their admissibility in civil court proceedings.