A waiver covers a fixed period of time, up to two years. You may be able to receive additional service credit for public employment before your date of membership or for military service.If you are under 65 and working for a New York State public employer, you are required to report your earnings to NYSTRS as soon as you reach the limit. If you continue to work, your pension will be suspended for the remainder of the calendar year and resume the following January. New York State requires that all regular full-time employees and employees working full-time for at least 12 months, enroll in a New York State retirement plan. Your employer may grant extensions for any period of time up to 36 months (i.e. , year-by-year or for the entire. NYSLRS retirees can work for a public employer in New York, but, depending on several factors, there may be an annual earnings limit. If you are vested, you become eligible to participate in the DROP any time after you reach your normal retirement date. The return to work rules for service credit are the same as your retirement benefit.