It allows someone to plead guilty and ask for a "Prayer for Judgement," meaning the offense isn't entered against you. A Prayer for Judgement Continued is a legal action that allows individuals to request leniency from the court.A prayer for judgment is North Carolina's "get out of jail free card," though it's for non-jailable offenses. Learn more about how it is used. Pleading in prayer is only appropriate when practiced in a humble manner. A prayer for judgement continued (PJC) in North Carolina is a legal term that refers to a specific scenario after a conviction. This is a solemn assembly to gather people from all ages, denominations and backgrounds in prayer. Ask God to help you focus on his compassion and grace to lift you out of your despair and heart ache. All of them were filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in other tongues as the Spirit enabled them. May God fill her with energy, strength, and vitality.