A motion, whether written or oral, shall state with particularity the grounds therefor, and shall set forth the relief or order sought. The amendment also highlights that the term "pleading" as used in the Ohio Rules of Civil.Procedure refers to the six specific documents listed in Civ. A denial of performance or occurrence shall be made specifically and with particularity. (D) Official document or act. "Conduct" means any of the following: (a) The filing of a civil action, the assertion of a claim, defense, or other position in connection with a civil action. Every pleading shall contain a caption setting forth the name of the court, the title of the action, the case number, and a designation as in Rule 7(A). A comprehensive set of the Ohio forms you'll need for civil, probate, and criminal proceedings. Form AO 440 Summons in a Civil Action is available on the Court's website and in the Clerk's Office. The clerk may charge a fee of ten cents per page for uncertified copies of pleadings, process, records, or files.