Explore how to use orange seeds for prayers effectively with guidance from Prophetess Favour. Take heart and to see that the Lord is accomplishing something through your prayers, something greater than if he were to give you what you desire.The purpose of this blog is to encourage you to focus on who God is and who you are in Him as well as give you tools to intentionally pray. Meditating on the simple beauty in an object of God's Creation with the inquisitive, curious outlook of wonder that George Washington Carver embodied. The result would be orange juice; it wouldn't be tomato juice or apple juice. Be strong and courageous. In times of distress turn to God in prayer and ask Him to fulfill His promises to His people. Pour out your heart to God. Upon this he (the Holy Prophet) remarked: Do you say four (rak'ahs) of Fard in the dawn prayer? Book 4, Number 1537: 'Abdullah b.