The purpose of this manual is to aid you, proceeding pro se, in preparing pleadings to file with the Supreme Court. Preliminary Objections are the Pennsylvania equivalent of what many places call a "Motion to Dismiss.Introduction to representing yourself in Pennsylvania. Each of the documents listed below inculde a blank form and the instructions to fill out that form. In Pennsylvania, the most common type of plea bargain is a "charge bargain. If you represent yourself in Court, you are called a "pro se litigant" or a "self-represented litigant". Title 231 - RULES OF CIVIL PROCEDURE Part I - GENERAL Chapter 1000 - ACTIONS Subchapter A - CIVIL ACTION PLEADINGS Rule 1017 - Pleadings Allowed Withdraw in the case of a "Praecipe to Withdraw", means to undo the filing of a pleading (document) as if it was never filed. 3. In Pennsylvania, the most common type of plea bargain is a "charge bargain. (f) Multiple Causes of Action.