At Saint Mark's we especially offer prayers for healing at the conclusion of the Mass on Wednesdays and Fridays in the Lady Chapel. Our sovereign God can heal us, we believe that he will heal us, and even if he doesn't heal us now, we will praise his name.A vision in the night appeared to the Apostle Paul of a man from Macedonia, pleading with him to come and help (Acts -11). Lord God, you are attentive to the voice of our pleading. In this sermon, RC Sproul continues his series in the gospel of Luke to tell the remarkable story of Christ's healing a centurion's servant. In this episode of Pray the Word on Psalm 1, David Platt prays for those who are hurting to experience healing. The book of Psalms is filled with brutally honest, noholdsbarred prayers called laments. In laments, people pour out their complaints to God. David Guzik commentary on Mark 5 describes how Jesus heals a demon possessed Gaderene, and a woman from her flow of blood. I am the Lord who heals you, says Exodus .