Use this form to apply for an automatic six-month extension of time to file Arizona Forms 140, 140A, 140EZ, 140ET, 140PTC, 140PY, or 140NR. This gives you until October 15 to file without penalties.Extensions To receive an automatic extension until October 15, file Form 204, Application for Filing Extension. This extends your filing deadline to October 15th. Individuals in Arizona need to file Form 204 with the state to request a 6-month extension of time to file their personal income tax return with the state. When you file your Arizona return, be sure to check box 82F, top of page 1 on Form 140, to indicate an extension was filed. If you apply for an extension, the new due date for your returns is Oct. 15. Businesses operating in the State of Arizona can apply for an extension to file their business tax returns and get an automatic extension of up to 6 months. In order to file a tax extension, simply fill out the IRS form no. You can do this electronically (via efile) or mail in your completed form.