We would like you to confirm outstanding balances with you as of ___________ as well as transactions for the period from ___________ to ___________. (2) Please give full titles and dates of closure of all accounts closed during the period (up to the date of your reply).Our mobile and web services allow you to obtain real time account information, deposit checks, pay bills, transfer funds, purchase on the go, and more. In this article, we discuss how to write a conformational letter, look at sample templates for formal and informal confirmation letters and share some tips. If it is an emergency hearing, you must call. 520-724-3888 a.s.a.p. FORMAT OF BANKER'S VERIFICATION LETTER. Applications will be considered incomplete without a resume and writing sample. This is a practical way for the bank to verify that a customer has the financial resources required to repay their debt. Field of membership; Amount and source of startup capital; PFCU subscribers.