If you would like to offer ideas for audits or investigations, please fill out the form below and click "Submit. " Please answer all questions.This is a letter that your auditor will send out to third parties, such as banks or suppliers, asking them to confirm certain financial information. Make your audit an opportunity to learn about the New York State Department of Labor. If you have questions, ask the auditor. In this post we'll walk you through how to craft a professional and accurate reply, with examples and templates to make it easy and stress free. Did you receive a letter asking you to complete Form DTF32, DTF33, DTF36, TD210.2, TD210.3, or TD210.7? Did you receive a letter asking you to complete Form DTF32, DTF33, DTF36, TD210.2, TD210.3, or TD210.7? All forms and documents will be accepted electronically. All forms are accessed and completed using Adobe Reader.