Employee can cash out their compensatory time twice per calendar year. The County of Riverside offers a voluntary Deferred Compensation Plan to assist employees in meeting their financial goals in retirement.As a member of the California Public Employees' Retirement System. (CalPERS), you may be eligible for the benefits of reciprocity. Period with the County of Riverside, including any extensions thereto. 3. Example: If you reinstated as a PEPRA member and you only worked for 24 months out of the 36-month final compensation period, we will extend your first PEPRA. If you received a recent salary increase, you may wish to retire after you have received that pay rate for 12 consecutive months in order to increase your final. Upon leaving University employment, you may receive a distribution of your UCRP accumulations (your employee contributions and accumulated. This guide is designed to provide you with a summary of the many benefits available to Riverside Healthcare employees. Pay overtime or hire additional staff to fill positions in the Operations or Suppression. Division.