We give you an automatic 6-month extension to file your return. The EDD may extend the time for filing a payroll tax report or paying any payroll taxes without penalty for up to 60 days if good cause exists.To request an extension, you'll need to submit IRS Tax Form 4868 before April 15 (July 15 in 2020). How to file form FTB 3519. You can get an automatic 6-month State of California tax extension and have until October 15 to file your return. This gives you until October 15 to file without penalties. The California tax deadline extension covers tax filing and payment deadlines initially falling between January 21, 2024, and June 17, 2024. Can I File a Late CA Tax Return in 2021? However, having more time to file your tax return doesn't mean you get a break on making any overdue payments. A US citizen or resident files this form to request an automatic extension of time to file a US individual income tax return.