A request for an extension of time shall be filed at least thirty days and no more than ninety days prior to the expiration date of an application. If approved, residential permit applications may be extended 180 days and commercial permit applications may be extended 90 days.The Department requests a 12month time extension to complete the Construction (CON) phase for the SHOPP Pavement Rehabilitation project. The Department is requesting a 3month PostFact time extension to extend the period of project allocation. The non-mandatory Pre-bid Meeting will be held on August 26,2020 at AM PDT at. 560 E. Hospitality Lane, Suite 320, San Bernardino, CA 92408. Once construction is complete, the Construction Authority transfers the project to Metro to operate. Project Status:In CloseOut; Complete. The project shall include the construction and traffic control services necessary to complete the emergency project. 1.3.