The California Rules of Court, starting with rule 2.100, tell you what is required for any documents you file with the court. Start with "pleading paper.The term "pleading paper" is often used to describe the format of a document that is filed with the Court when a premade form is not available. "Pleading" has two meanings in lawsuits. Pleadings in civil litigation are formal written documents that outline the claims, defenses, and legal arguments of the parties involved in a lawsuit. The notice pleading standard is in alignment with the ideology that the pleading is needed to notify the relevant parties of the issues in the case. Every pleading must set forth the name of the court and county in which the action is brought and the title of the action. Pleading is one of the first stages of a lawsuit. In a pleading, the parties formally submit their claims and the defenses against the opposition's claims. This screen cast show how to create a 28 line and 37 line pleading to be used in California.