Please dear God I am pleading with you please help me. Take heart and to see that the Lord is accomplishing something through your prayers, something greater than if he were to give you what you desire.Even if you're someone that does that has no moisture inside. Doesn't matter god won't that god won't disgrace your prayer. What follows are four gracious truths that can guard us from despairing when the Lord says no to our earnest prayers. Prayer in the Spirit is prayer whose supreme object is the glory of God, and only in a secondary sense is it a blessing for ourselves or for others. Prayer doesn't change the mind of God but prayer, make no mistake about it, prayer does change things. Prayer changes history. In Psalm 13 we read that King David found himself in a hard place and questioning God. If you have a prayer concern that you would like for us to be in prayer for, please fill out a prayer request and place it in the offering box.