Connect Fillout and Google Calendar. Book meetings on your Google Calendar with a Fillout Scheduling form.You can't change the template per se but as it is just a Google Doc you can add additional elements to it if you want. Google Calendar Meeting Form is a clean and easy-to-use template that allows you to easily organize online meetings with your business partners or team members. From project kickoff meetings to oneonone meetings, these free Google Doc templates offer solutions to suit your needs. Upcoming Meetings (City Council, Boards and Commissions). All upcoming agenda are available online here or subscribe to receive agendas via email here. Fillout Scheduling forms let people book available slots on your calendar while ensuring the time works for you. I'm gonna show you how to create a template for your events so now we are in Google Calendar and what we'll do is just create first a regular event. The mission of the California Labor Commissioner's Office is to ensure a just day's pay in every workplace in the State and to promote economic justice.