At its core, the Texas Open Meetings Act requires government entities to keep official business accessible to the public. Issuance: All directors must receive notice of a board meeting.The way we run board meetings says much about how we run the company. Successful companies use board meetings to create and improve key business strategies. All Bexar County Bail Bond Board Meetings Will Resume Meeting In-Person As Of September 1, 2021. Please Check The Agenda Posting For Updates. Education Service Center, Region 20 assists School Districts and Charters in improving student performance and increasing the effectiveness of schools. CITY OF SAN ANTONIO, PURSUANT TO. TEXAS GOVERNMENT CODE SECTION 551.071 (CONSULTATION WITH. ATTORNEy). Education Service Center, Region 20 assists School Districts and Charters in improving student performance and increasing the effectiveness of schools. The San Antonio City Council convened in a Work Session at pm Wednesday, March 20, 2013,.