It can be something as simple as approving the minutes from the last meeting to something as important as appointing or removing a board member. Illinois Legal Aid Online provides a guided interview called an Easy Form that will help you fill out the forms.Taking minutes is easy! Discover how you can take the angst out of writing meeting minutes at your next community association board meeting. Board meetings are open to all unit owners, who must have received appropriate prior notice of the meeting as set forth earlier in this publication. The authority holding the meeting shall prescribe reasonable rules to govern the right to make such recordings. The 11-member Metra Board of Directors, made up of members representing the six-county Chicago metropolitan area, meets once a month to discuss various matters. All school board members should be familiar with the requirements of the Open Meetings Act (OMA). The chair restates the motion in full after it has been properly made and seconded. 3. First item, we have the minutes of the regular meeting of September 13, 2021.