"Board of Managers" is the usual name for the group of Unit Owners governing an association that is unincorporated or organized as a limited liability company. Street Address Apt, Suite, Bldg.The 11-member Metra Board of Directors, made up of members representing the six-county Chicago metropolitan area, meets once a month to discuss various matters. Join the Board of Commissioner's Board Meeting In Person. CoC Board Members, Alternates and Delegates should join the zoom via the link that is sent to you via email a day before the meeting. The bylaws tell the board of directors how to run the corporation, i.e. The Board of Ethics holds regular meetings at 69 W. Washington Street, 22nd Floor, Chicago, Illinois. Please refer to the meeting notice for room details. Please refer to the meeting notice for room details. Fill out a registration card (available at the front desk prior to each meeting).