The Contra Costa Board of Education uses BoardDocs, an online meeting records system. Agendas are posted at the administration building and at each school.All school board meetings, except closed sessions, are open to the public. Forms may be obtained at the Office of the County Administrator, or Office of the Clerk of the Board, 1025 Escobar Street, 1st Floor, Martinez, California. The Contra Costa County Board of Education generally meets once a the month at p.m. If you wish to speak at the Board meeting, you must fill out a speaker card before the item you want to speak on begins. You may speak to the Board on any subject that falls within the District's authority. Online registration will be required prior to attending the Board meetings. The board didn't get to vote on the budget at the June 26 meeting because the LCAP must be approved first. The Board will not receive public comments through the Zoom webinar.