All meetings are open to the public, and the public is encouraged to attend. The Contra Costa Board of Education uses BoardDocs, an online meeting records system.To ensure an orderly meeting and an equal opportunity for each speaker, persons wishing to address the Board must fill out a speaker's card. Get help with homework from a live, online tutor. Offers writing assistance for essays and reports, creative writing, resumes, and more. President Chavez called the meeting to order at p. To ensure an orderly meeting and an equal opportunity for each speaker, persons wishing to address the Board must fill out a speaker's card. See an Error or Omission? Report on Final PEIR - General Manager Downs and Susan Hootkins, explained the CEQA PEIR process and the steps taken to complete the Final PEIR for. President Borba called to order a regular meeting of the Board of Directors of the Contra Costa Water Authority.