The State Board of Education welcomes and encourages public participation at all meetings of the Board. Meetings convene in the School Board auditorium at the Polk County Public Schools Administrative Offices at 1915 S. Floral Ave.School board meetings are for the public to observe the board conducting its business. They are not an open discussion with the public. A school board member, in his or her sole discretion, may make a motion during a regular school board meeting to have the item placed on the agenda. Regular Board meetings are typically scheduled for the third Wednesday of the month, except where noted, and begin at 5 p.m. There is a duty to post notice, take minutes, and allow owners to attend and speak at a "workshop" at which a quorum of the board will be present. It's allowed and I doubt Florida has a statute forbidding it. So long as you permit all homeowners to attend and give appropriate notice, it is fine. All regular meetings will begin at p.m.