During this meeting, the HOA board addresses various issues, presents the annual budget, and discusses upcoming major projects. This article will highlight some fundamental information about annual meetings, and offer a practical solution to how your HOA can conduct your next meeting.If you're a Franklin resident, you can easily complete it online or return the mailer sent to you. The HOA Annual Meeting is the event when the board members and homeowners of a HOA gather to discuss the most important things that concern the community. Dear Franklin Valley residents, the annual subdivision meeting will be on Tuesday, June 11 at 6 pm. On May 28th, the FranklinPalmer HOA board hosted their annual member's meeting at the Canton Twp Administrative Building. I recently found out that our HOA does not allow any homeowner to come to their meetings other than the annual. Special meetings are called for a specific reason and can only address items included in the meeting notice, usually outside the scope of general business. • The HOA would like to relay a summary email of our annual meeting to lot owners. Our Annual Meeting is a WEEK AWAY!