Read and agree to the statements below to reserve and use one of Hennepin County Library's meeting rooms. You can't change the template per se but as it is just a Google Doc you can add additional elements to it if you want.County board meeting schedules, agendas, minutes and videos. See public hearing notices and learn about addressing the board. Fillout Scheduling forms let people book available slots on your calendar while ensuring the time works for you. Meeting notices and agendas are posted in all district buildings and on the district's website prior to the meetings. Action of the School Board provides brief summaries of Anoka-Hennepin School Board meetings in HTML format and is now available online in a translatable format. I'm gonna show you how to create a template for your events so now we are in Google Calendar and what we'll do is just create first a regular event. Open a new or existing Google Doc on your computer. 2. Meeting agendas will be posted three days prior to the meeting.