Generally, no, LLC's are not required to hold annual meetings; however, annual meetings are a great way to maintain a healthy and well-run business. There is no requirement under Texas law for an LLC to hold annual meetings or to keep detailed minutes, as there is with a corporation.LLC minutes are very detailed notes taken during a meeting of the members (or owners) of a Limited Liability Company (LLC). Elect a chairperson for the meeting. However, it is often advantageous for an LLC to have an annual meeting, as the practice can prove beneficial in certain tax and legal scenarios. Even though states don't require LLCs to hold an annual meeting, an LLC must do so if its LLC Operating Agreement requires it. Bizee Can Complete and File Your Public Information Report on Your Behalf. In Texas, you are required to publish a notice of formation in a local newspaper within 120 days of filing your Certificate of Formation. An LLC isn't required to conduct annual meetings. You can use one of our attorney-drafted templates to fill out, save, and download your operating agreement for free.