Board Members: Please fill in your association name using the Association Name entry. Boards, commissions, committees, councils, corporations, authorities, agencies, etc.NNMD Board members meet monthly with a specific agenda to implement and allocate resources to improve the Near Northwest Area. Date: 3rd Tuesday each month from January through November (no meeting in December). Regular meetings of the Board of Trustees are held at pm on the third (3rd) Wednesday of each month at the System Administrative Building. The District holds its open Board meetings every fourth Thursday of the month at PM. Location: District office, located at 11360 Bellaire Ste. The College Place Property Owners Association Annual Meeting has been scheduled for Wednesday, March 20, 2024, at pm, via Zoom. The Houston First Board of Directors sets policy for the corporation and approves its major initiatives and expenditures. Individuals must register themselves in advance to speak at School Board meetings. Registration opens 72 hours before the meeting start time.