Individuals must register themselves in advance to speak at School Board meetings. Registration opens 72 hours before the meeting start time.To participate in this forum, an individual must complete and submit a Request for Appearance form to the Board Services Office 24 hours prior to the meeting. Meetings are rebroadcast Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Fridays at p.m. , and Saturdays and Sundays at noon and p.m. If you want to speak on Zoom, you need to fill out the zoom form in the email you receive after signing up on the HISD site. Here, you will find a list of upcoming board meetings, their dates, and important information about how to participate in the Open Forum during these meetings. Houston ISD Board President said eliminating a period when people could speak on any topic would make board meetings more efficient. In 6 days — Will you speak up for Houston ISD schoolchildren? Houston ISD Board President said eliminating a period when people could speak on any topic would make board meetings more efficient.