The requirement for an annual meeting lies in the legal, not tax, status of the business. A successful annual meeting can be a chance to highlight the organization's performance, promote community plans, and answer questions.Illinois law does not require filing corporate minutes with the Secretary of State's Office or any other state agency. We provide an LLC annual meeting minutes template to help your business easily record the minutes of your LLC's annual meeting. In the absence of any such provision, all meetings shall be held at the principal office of the corporation in this State. Illinois Governor JB Pritzker just signed into law a ban on Illinois employers holding mandatory meetings with employees. Illinois Governor JB Pritzker just signed into law a ban on Illinois employers holding mandatory meetings with employees. An annual meeting of the members shall be held during the month of. Learn the ins and outs of community association board meetings. The Illinois Open Meetings Act (OMA) is designed to ensure that the public has access to information about government and its decision-making process.