Please fill out the following form if you wish to address the Board or a committee or record a Board or a committee meeting. Resolutions of the board of directors of an Illinois corporation appointing directors to fill director vacancies.A form of unanimous written consent to be used when the board of directors of an Illinois corporation takes action without a formal board meeting. All school board members should be familiar with the requirements of the Open Meetings Act (OMA). It is not the duty of the State's Attorney's Office to draft resolutions and ordinances simply at the request of individual board members. The Open Meetings Act (OMA) is designed to ensure that Illinois residents have access to their government. If you name the first board of directors in the. Articles, you will not have to call an organizational meeting of the incorpora- tors. Motions may be considered for adoption at the meeting at which the matter is presented under new business or the consent agenda. Resolutions of the board of directors of an Illinois corporation appointing directors to fill director vacancies.