If the private interaction is unavoidable, a board member should disclose ex parte communication at the next board meeting so it can be included in the record. Here is an example of how you can take minutes from executive sessions as part of the minutes of the open or public meetings.Board meeting minutes in a board meeting with practical tips to improve. See a meeting minutes template and sample minutes. Minutes should reflect the directors' deliberations and act as an accurate record of discussions and decisions on material issues. The correct way to write minutes of a meeting is to ensure сonsent agenda, meeting purpose, supplementary documents and capture all key discussion points. It is good practice following a meeting to ask the minute taker to draft the minutes and then send the draft to the chair for review. The general rule is that larger groups use more formal procedures, while smaller groups use less formal procedures. Learn how Robert's Rules of Order can help your team conduct more structured, productive, and democratic meetings. Prepare for the meeting: The secretary or minutetaker should review the agenda and structure the minutes around it.