The King's Board of Directors is responsible for strategic oversight of King's, including the appointment and supervision of the president. Learn about managing conflict, developing polices and procedures, running effective meetings, and more through this OMAFRAbased resource tool.The Board of Directors of the Corporation unanimously recommends that Shareholders vote in favour of the Share. Sign up to attend our next board meeting and meet your SSU Board of Directors! Meet the members of the CFI's Board of Directors, read their stories and achievements and find out how they represent the interests of the Canadian public. There will be an election for the Kings Charter Owners Association Board of Directors at the Annual Meeting on Wednesday, October 18, 2023. A full report on the winter board meeting will appear in the April issue of Parachutist. Learn more in the AANA Election section. Any potential conflict of a. If the Directors consider meeting materials to be insufficient, they may request the Board secretariat to provide supplemental materials in advance.