The question of whether or not an association's meetings may be videotaped implicates several provisions of statutory and common law. In my mind, if you adjourn the meeting, then discussion afterwards is not an in camera session rather just a board members "hanging out".This is intended to be a guide for chairs of multiple-member bodies, and their associated members, responsible for posting meetings and filing minutes. The new law allows public bodies to continue providing live "adequate, alternative means" of public access to the deliberations of the public body. Therefore, public bodies must provide the Town Clerk with meeting notices at least 48 hours in advance. Please leave your mic muted for the duration of the meeting unless you are called upon. 2. -. All recording devices must be unobtrusive and cannot interfere with the meeting or with any attendee's ability to observe and participate in the meeting. "Some boards have open meetings in any event, but they are not required to. While not required in Massachusetts, we encourage boards to have open meetings. To nominate citizens or local businesses who contribute to the betterment of our community, please fill out the nomination form.