Public boards must give advanced notice of the topics that will be discussed at a meeting. For instance if a board member quit the remaining board members with a quorum present can vote in a new board member.The Massachusetts "Open Meeting Law" (under MGL A-C) was enacted in 1975 under Chapter 303 of the Acts of 1975, although its roots date back to 1958. Our Board is the executive authority for the Town of Barre. The Select Board typically meets every other Wednesday evening, unless otherwise posted, at pm in the Edward H. Dlott Meeting room of Town Hall. There is no legal requirement to state the time when any particular topic will be discussed, but doing so can be a useful tool to keep the meeting moving along. They meet an average of twenty-five to thirty times per year, generally every two weeks on Wednesday evenings at pm. Do cities have Town Meetings? No. A city's legislative body is called a city council or a board of aldermen. The Select Board meets every other Wednesday, unless otherwise posted, at P.M. in the Osborn Room at Town Hall.