There is no legal requirement to state the time when any particular topic will be discussed, but doing so can be a useful tool to keep the meeting moving along. The Open Meeting law requires 24 hour I 7 day a week access to meeting schedules and agendas.The selectmen shall fill such vacancy if such board fails to give said notice within the time herein specified. Official Agendas must be emailed in a Word or PDF document format that contains all necessary Board information. To request time on the Select Board agenda, persons must contact the Town Administrator at (413) 422-2800, Ext. What is an Open Town Meeting? In an Open Town Meeting form of government, every registered voter may attend, speak and vote. REQUIREMENTS. Per Chapter XXVII of our Town bylaw: in order to participate on a Town board, the applicant must be a resident of the Town of Wenham. The Select Board typically meets every other Wednesday evening, unless otherwise posted, at pm in the Edward H. Dlott Meeting room of Town Hall. As a member of a board or commission you are playing an important role in the community.