Michigan law does not require open meetings but our bylaws say meetings board should be open. Calls or sub-quorum meetings to achieve the same intercommunication that could have been achieved in a full board or commission meeting, the members' conduct is.A public notice stating the date, time, and place of the meeting shall be posted at least 18 hours before the meeting in a prominent and conspicuous place. If the board doesn't accept a meeting in the time the owner is required to have a hearing, the fine becomes invalid and you throw it out. (2) A board may hold a regular meeting with or without notice as prescribed in the bylaws. By reading out the written version of the motion, the moderator is stating the motion so all board members, as well as the public, knows what is being voted on. Minutes are required under Michigan's Open Meetings Act (OMA). New Board Member Series: Do's and Don'ts of the Open Meetings Act. Meetings of the Board will generally be held in the. The State of Michigan primarily has two socalled "Sunshine Laws" the Open Meetings Act ("OMA"), MCL 15.261, et seq.