Board of Education meetings take place on the third Wednesday of each month (unless otherwise noted) at PM in the MHS Library at 300 John F. Kennedy Dr. If you are interested in serving on one of the appointed Boards or Commissions, please fill out and submit this Middlesex County Board Commission Application.The Board will open the meeting at PM, and the Board may convene into Executive Session. The Public meeting will reconvene immediately after. Regular meetings of the Middlesex County Board of Social Services are held at 10 am on the second Thursday of every month, unless otherwise noted. The scheduled meeting of the Board of Trustees of Middlesex College was held at a.m. Board of Education Meetings will be held in person. To view the meeting via Live Stream, click here. Ricardi led in the Pledge of Allegiance. The Nominating Committee can reach out to community members who they believe might make good Board members.