Nevada Department of Education. Instructions for navigating BoardDocs are located under the DOCUMENTS tab within the left side frame of this page or call (702) 799-1072.Below, you'll find the dates of completed and scheduled meetings for the current school year. Board meetings shall be held in accordance with NRS Chapter 388A. Trustees meet twice per month (second and fourth Thursdays) at 5 pm both virtually and at the Edward A. Greer Education Center Board Room. All standard board meetings are conducted online, open to the public, and recorded. School Board Meetings are held in the Board Room at the Elko County School District Administrative Offices, 850 Elm Street, Elko, NV. at pm (local time) Regularly scheduled meeting dates for the Nevada County Board of Education are GENERALLY held the second Wednesday of each month at pm in the Board Room. School Board Meetings. By hearing from the public, the Board is able to make better-informed decisions.