Board meetings are an opportunity to review progress, present ideas, assess risks and make strategic decisions to keep your company on the path to success. 5 tips for opening a board meeting: Allow time for members to get settled and focused.Provide a way for members to share what's weighing on their minds. Try to schedule your meetings well in advance before everyone's calendars fill up at least six months in advance. This guide walks through everything you need to know to run your board meetings, understand roles, streamline procedures, and embrace best practices. Here, you'll discover everything you need to know about board meeting minutes and how to take them with examples and a meeting minutes template. One of the requirements for corporations in most states is to have an annual board meeting. Typically, these are held near the end of the year. Learn how to run a board meeting, stay organized, and inspire action with effective board meeting basics and strategies. If the private interaction is unavoidable, a board member should disclose ex parte communication at the next board meeting so it can be included in the record.