This section describes some of the specific meeting requirements that apply—in addition to those under the open meetings law—to these governing boards. The North Carolina Court of Appeals has held that the trial court must review the records.The decision is Times News Publishing Company v. The Sampson County Board of Commissioners meets generally on the first Monday of each month at pm, except when this falls on a holiday. In my mind, if you adjourn the meeting, then discussion afterwards is not an in camera session rather just a board members "hanging out". The Board shall hold a regular meeting on the first Monday of each month, commencing at p.m. There are several options for holding board meetings virtually. Some of the most popular platforms include Zoom, GoToMeeting and Google Meet. When an agenda item is denoted as a Public Hearing, persons attending shall be permitted to address the BOC regarding the item under consideration. Scroll up to populate past meetings and scroll down to show future meetings.