Nicholson called the meeting to order at p.m. In the Auditorium of the Elliott Hall of Business and Information Technology.These tools may be utilized to ensure IEP meetings are student-focused spaces where everyone is safe to share their thoughts, questions and concerns. Community members can attend in-person at the meeting site location stated in the published Agenda or virtually. Departments meet for 3 hours per month to complete this work and will be presenting their final plans in interdisciplinary groups this spring. Meeting Schedule 2023-24, OSA Board meeting Agendas and Minutes, All OSA Board meetings are open to the public. The Board of Education is comprised of seven members, elected at large to serve fouryear terms. It is subject to local, state, and federal laws. A meeting of the Full Board will be held on Monday, January 13 at 6 pm. If attending inperson and you wish to speak on an item, please fill out a speaker slip and submit it to the Clerk.