This free event will be held on November 15, 2024 at the Fawcett Center. SfN meetings gather thousands of neuroscientists from around the world to debut cutting-edge research on the brain and nervous system.The Ohio Academy of Science's Annual Meeting is for academic, governmental, and industrial scientists and engineers, university and pre-college educators. If you are looking for a neuroscience-related collaborator, complete the request form and the NRI will assist with identifying a potential collaborator. The Ohio State Neurosurgical Society (OHSNS) Annual Meeting is our once-a-year opportunity to meet as a group, learn, discuss, debate, and network. Learn to effectively advocate on behalf of neurologists and their patients, and access AAN position and policy statements. Wooster students present research at Society for Neuroscience annual meeting. The 2024 Neuroscience Research Institute (NRI) Annual Retreat is coming up November 15 featuring talks on Alzheimer's, poster sessions, and networking.