Even though states don't require LLCs to hold an annual meeting, an LLC must do so if its LLC Operating Agreement requires it. Some corporations must hold annual meetings and draft annual meeting minutes for satisfying their business compliance responsibilities.There is no statutory or case law requirement for LLCs to have annual meeting minutes. In California, there are no statutory requirements for LLCs to hold annual meetings or keep formal meeting minutes. The Annual Shareholders' Meeting is a privileged appointment where we share our latest results, strategy and growth forecasts. Planning an annual meeting for your corporation or LLC? Here are some of the most common topics to include on the agenda. TOWNSHIP HELD VIA AUDIO-VIDEO CONFERENCING ON TUESDAY, APRIL 18, 2023. We provide an LLC annual meeting minutes template to help your business easily record the minutes of your LLC's annual meeting. In addition, it is not necessary to hold formal shareholder meetings and maintain annual minutes for LLCs.